At any given time a Review may be in one of three states:
This is the initial state when a review has been added. While a review is in this state, the review and its items cannot be seen by reviewers, and scoring cannot be done, regardless of the start or end dates/times that have been set for the review.
This is the active state. When in this state, all members assigned to the review team will see the review listed and can view any items that have been assigned to them. Between the start and end dates/times reviewers can also request new assignments and can submit scores for the items.
If there is a need to unpublish a review to fully disable reviewers’ ability to to view items in the review, it should be returned to the Draft state rather than merely change the start and end dates/times. All existing scores and decisions are preserved and will again be visible and active if the review is later returned to the Published state.
This is the final state. No more scoring or decisions can be recorded once a review is advanced to this state. Any Undecided decisions will be treated as Denied. This effectively removes the ability for reviewers to view