Profile information about the organization is used to display a custom page others can visit to discover how they can get involved with your organization.
Marketing | QR Codes | Privacy
Several options let you design and effectively promote your organization.
Organization Page Location – You can specify how people can find your organization’s information page. Many organizations will choose to use their abbreviation, if it is unique in the system. It can be composed of any combination of lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, or periods. For example, if you choose ‘abc-123‘, people will be able to find out about your organization by going to
TIP: You can create a QR code for this address and post it on your sandwich board or other marketing materials to make it really easy for others to find out how they can join your organization or attend your events.
Locks – Some of the input fields may have a padlock symbol by the field name and will not let you change the value. These values must be changed by an authorized officer in StuAct Online. When the change is made in that system, it will automatically carry into Get Involved.
Visibility – Recognized student organizations are automatically visible to the public in lists and searches. Some other types of organizations may be able to limit their visibility to only the campus community or just their own members. This field is locked for all recognized student organizations. The setting cannot be changed in StuAct Online. If your student organization becomes unrecognized, it will automatically be hidden from public view.
Upload New Images – You can provide up to three images that will be used in different ways to reflect your organization’s brand. Each image type has distinct specifications such as size and aspect ratio. Images will not be accepted if they fail to meet the minimum requirements. If they exceed the maximum requirements, they may not be accepted or they may be automatically cropped or downsized to be satisfy the requirements.
Logo Image – If your organization has a quality logo, upload it here. It will be prominently displayed on your organization’s page. The graphic file must be one of the following types to ensure compatibility with different web browsers: JPG, JPEG, PNG. The resolution must be at least 180×180 resolution, but no more than 1800 pixels wide and 1200 pixels high. The total file size must be less than 512KB.
TIP: Using a PNG file type and suitable graphic software, you can create a graphic that has a transparent background so it can appear to be non-rectangular against the background color of the page on which it appears.
Icon Image – This may be the same or a different version of your organization’s logo. Unlike the Logo Image, the Icon Image will not be used on your organization’s page. Instead, it will be used on other pages that link to your organization’s page, such as on the organization search page. The graphic file must be one of the following types to ensure compatibility with different web browsers: JPG, JPEG, PNG. The resolution must be at least 150×150 resolution, but no more than 500×500. The total file size must be less than 250KB.
TIP: This image will always be masked by a circle, so anything in the outer corners will not be shown. If you want corner areas of the icon to remain visible, add extra space on all sides so the desired detail doesn’t extend into the corner areas that will be hidden by the circular mask.
Header Image – You may use a large photo that reflects your organization to use as a banner on your organization page. The graphic file must be one of the following types to ensure compatibility with different web browsers: JPG, JPEG, PNG. The resolution must be at least 1200×800 resolution, but no more than 2400 pixels wide and 1600 pixels high. The total file size must be less than 1.6MB.
TIP: Choose a photo that has the focal point vertically centered. The photo will usually be cropped on the top and bottom to appropriately fit the space available for different display types (desktop, mobile, etc.). It will be larger on your organization’s primary page and cropped more on secondary pages.
Email Address – If you provide a public contact email address, your organization’s page will provide an easy way for visitors to send a message to this address.
QR Codes
Three permanent QR codes are offered on your organization’s Settings page to help you know who is interacting with your organization. You can define an optional label and a URL where each code will direct the person scanning the code, such as a social media site or an online form. When the person scans a code, they will be asked to login with their TAMU NetId before being redirected to the linked site. The login process captures their identity so you can download a list of everyone who recently used one of these special codes (within the past four months).
Since these are “permanent” codes, you can post them on sandwich boards and printed materials, without needing to update your materials when you want to change where they link. Changing the URL in Get Involved will immediately redirect people to the new site when an old code is scanned.
If no URL is defined for a QR code, scanning the code will direct the person to your Get Involved site which automatically lists upcoming events, contact information and social media links you have defined in your organization’s Settings page.
Note this does not currently work for visitors who cannot login using a TAMU NetID.
Student organizations have the option to share event participation data with Texas A&M for analysis. Enabling this feature allows Student Affairs Planning, Assessment & Research (SAPAR) to retrieve participation data for your organization’s events. This may be used to provide specialized reports for your organization or to contribute to better assessment of student engagement at Texas A&M University.
SAPAR automatically has access to participation data for TAMU departments and university committees that are not recognized student organizations.